Cryptolith Rite, Kalamax, the Stormsire, Merchant Scroll, Narset's Reversal, and Nexus of Fate

Here's how the cards Cryptolith Rite, Kalamax, the Stormsire, Merchant Scroll, Narset's Reversal, and Nexus of Fate results in Infinite turns

Cryptolith Rite
Cryptolith Rite
Kalamax, the Stormsire
Kalamax, the Stormsire
Merchant Scroll
Merchant Scroll
Narset's Reversal
Narset's Reversal
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for U
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  1. Activate Kalamax by tapping it, adding one mana of any color
  2. Cast Nexus of Fate by paying
  3. Kalamax first and second abilities triggers
  4. Resolve the first ability, creating a copy of Nexus of Fate
  5. Resolve Kalamax's second ability, putting a +1/+1 counter on itself
  6. Resolve the copy of Nexus of Fate, taking an extra turn after this one
  7. Resolve the Nexus of Fate, taking an extra turn after this one
  8. Pass to next turn
  9. Activate Kalamax by tapping it, adding one mana of any color
  10. Cast Merchant Scroll by paying
  11. Holding priority, cast Narset's Reversal by paying , targeting Merchant Scroll
  12. Kalamax first and second abilities triggers
  13. Resolve the first ability, creating a copy of Narset's Reversal, targeting the first Narset's Reversal
  14. Resolve Kalamax's second ability, putting a +1/+1 counter on itself
  15. Resolve the copy of Narset's Reversal, returning it to your hand and choosing Merchant Scroll
  16. Resolve the Narset's Reversal, returning Merchant Scroll to your hand and search your library for Nexus of Fate and putting in your hand
  17. Pass the turn
  18. Repeat


Required Cards 5

Combos by Cards

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Combos by Color

Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for C
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G

Combos by Result

Infinite ETB Infinite LTB Infinite death triggers Infinite sacrifice triggers Infinite storm count Infinite colored mana Infinite creature tokens Infinite colorless mana Infinite draw triggers Infinite magecraft triggers Infinite lifegain triggers Infinite turns Infinite card draw Infinite lifegain Infinite damage Infinite landfall triggers Near-infinite ETB Infinite self-mill Near-infinite LTB Infinite Treasure tokens Infinite creature tokens with haste Near-infinite death triggers Near-infinite storm count Near-infinite sacrifice triggers Infinite combat phases Infinite mill Infinite self-discard triggers Infinite mana lands you control can produce Infinite blinking Infinite red mana + 1675 more results