Bishop of Wings, Breath of Fury, Divine Visitation, and Phabine, Boss's Confidant

Here's how the cards Bishop of Wings, Breath of Fury, Divine Visitation, and Phabine, Boss's Confidant results in Infinite card draw for all players, Infinite draw triggers for all players, Near-infinite combat damage, Near-infinite combat phases, Near-infinite creature tokens, Near-infinite death triggers, Near-infinite ETB, Near-infinite lifegain, Near-infinite lifegain triggers, Near-infinite LTB, Near-infinitely large creatures until end of turn, and Near-infinite sacrifice triggers

Bishop of Wings
Bishop of Wings
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Divine Visitation
Divine Visitation
Phabine, Boss's Confidant
Phabine, Boss's Confidant
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
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  1. At the beginning of your combat phase, Phabine triggers, causing each player to reveal the top card of their library, and you to create a 4/4 Angel creature token due to Divine Visitation for each land card revealed this way, and causing creatures you control to get +1/+1 until end of turn for each nonland card revealed this way, and then causing each player to draw a card
  2. Deal combat damage to an opponent using the creature that has Breath of Fury attached
  3. Breath of Fury triggers, causing you to sacrifice the creature it is attached to, then attach it to another Angel you control, untap all creatures you control, and get an additional combat phase after this one
  4. The Angel dies, triggering Bishop of Wings' second ability, creating a 4/4 Angel creature token due to Divine Visitation
  5. The Angel enters the battlefield, triggering Bishop of Wings' first ability, causing you to gain four life
  6. Repeat each combat phase


Required Cards 4

Combos by Cards

Blasting Station 239 combos Emiel the Blessed 310 combos Thermopod 330 combos Sensei's Divining Top 226 combos

Combos by Color

Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for C
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W
Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G
Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U
Magic color symbol for G Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R
Magic color symbol for W Magic color symbol for U Magic color symbol for B Magic color symbol for R Magic color symbol for G

Combos by Result

Infinite ETB Infinite LTB Infinite death triggers Infinite sacrifice triggers Infinite storm count Infinite colored mana Infinite creature tokens Infinite colorless mana Infinite draw triggers Infinite magecraft triggers Infinite lifegain triggers Infinite turns Infinite card draw Infinite lifegain Infinite damage Infinite landfall triggers Near-infinite ETB Infinite self-mill Near-infinite LTB Infinite Treasure tokens Infinite creature tokens with haste Near-infinite death triggers Near-infinite storm count Near-infinite sacrifice triggers Infinite combat phases Infinite mill Infinite self-discard triggers Infinite mana lands you control can produce Infinite blinking Infinite red mana + 1675 more results