- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Zealous Conscripts
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Sky Hussar
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Great Oak Guardian
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Pestermite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Deceiver Exarch
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Corridor Monitor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Coercive Recruiter
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Sparring Mummy
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Mycosynth Lattice
- Bounding Krasis
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Zealous Conscripts
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Sky Hussar
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Great Oak Guardian
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Pestermite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Deceiver Exarch
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Corridor Monitor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Coercive Recruiter
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Sparring Mummy
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Chromatic Orrery
- Bounding Krasis
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Zealous Conscripts
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Village Bell-Ringer
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sky Hussar
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Great Oak Guardian
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite power and toughness for creatures you control until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Pestermite
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Deceiver Exarch
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Corridor Monitor
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Coercive Recruiter
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Sparring Mummy
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Breaching Hippocamp
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Hyrax Tower Scout
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Urn of Godfire
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Stonework Packbeast
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Signpost Scarecrow
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Prismite
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Gemstone Array
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Energy Refractor
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Mana Echoes
- Bounding Krasis
- Crossroads Candleguide
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite colorless mana
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- There and Back Again
- Freed from the Real
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control
- Infinite creature tokens
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Infinite Treasure tokens
- Infinite untap of creatures
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- There and Back Again
- Pemmin's Aura
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control
- Infinite creature tokens
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Infinite Treasure tokens
- Infinite untap of creatures
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- There and Back Again
- Thornbite Staff
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite Treasure tokens
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Sword of the Paruns
- Gilded Lotus
- Illusionist's Bracers
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control with haste
- Infinite creature tokens
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite untap of creatures you control
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Umbral Mantle
- Gilded Lotus
- Illusionist's Bracers
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control with haste
- Infinite creature tokens
- Infinite ETB
- Infinitely large Saheeli until end of turn
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Dockside Extortionist
- Freed from the Real
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite mana of any color
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite Treasure tokens
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Dockside Extortionist
- Pemmin's Aura
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite mana of any color
- Infinite colored mana
- Infinite Treasure tokens
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Umbral Mantle
- Palinchron
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control with haste
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana lands you control can produce
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite untap of lands you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Umbral Mantle
- Great Whale
- Infinite copies of artifacts you control
- Infinite copies of creatures you control with haste
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana lands you control can produce
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite untap of lands you control
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Umbral Mantle
- Peregrine Drake
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Timestream Navigator
- Infinite turns
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Thornbite Staff
- Composite Golem
- Infinite black mana
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite green mana
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite white mana
- Infinite untap of creatures
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Thornbite Staff
- Morgue Toad
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite untap of creatures
- Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
- Intruder Alarm
- Infinite copies of all other creatures you control with haste
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
- Infinite untap of creatures
Sets containing Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance appears in 3 different sets: