- Mirrormade
- Estrid's Invocation
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite mill
- Infinite self-mill
- Copy Enchantment
- Mirrormade
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite mill
- Infinite self-mill
- Copy Enchantment
- Estrid's Invocation
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite mill
- Infinite self-mill
- Clever Impersonator
- Mirrormade
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite mill
- Infinite self-mill
- Clever Impersonator
- Estrid's Invocation
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite mill
- Clever Impersonator
- Copy Enchantment
- Oblivion Ring
- Sage of Mysteries
- Infinite mill
- Infinite self-mill