- Chthonian Nightmare
- Activated Sleeper
- Flamecache Gecko
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite storm count
- Infinite self-discard triggers
- Infinite draw triggers
- Infinite rummaging
- Infinite energy counters
- Chthonian Nightmare
- Patron of the Arts
- Flamecache Gecko
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite storm count
- The Jolly Balloon Man
- Agatha's Soul Cauldron
- Midnight Guard
- Flamecache Gecko
- Infinite LTB
- Infinite ETB
- Infinite sacrifice triggers
- Infinite death triggers
- Infinite creature tokens with haste
- Infinite token copies of each creature you control with haste except Midnight Guard
- Infinite red mana
- Infinite black mana
- Infinite self-discard triggers
- Infinite draw triggers
- Infinite rummaging